多言語ボイスモード: Poe AIのために英語、スペイン語、フランス語、ドイツ語、日本語、北京語、韓国語、イタリア語、ロシア語、ポルトガル語、その他145以上の言語での音声インターフェースをネイティブスピーカー発音でアクティブにする
ボイス応答: 聞き取りやすい声でのAI応答を、スピードとトーンを調整して聞くことができます。この機能は読む代わりに聞くことを好むユーザーや、Poe AIの応答を他の言語で聞いて新しい言語を学びたいユーザーに最適です。
音声駆動の生産性: 特にマルチタスクや作業中も、Poe AIとの連続した音声対話を維持し、AIコンパニオンがボイスモードを通じて応答を保ちます。
キーボードフリーボイスモード: タイピングから自然な音声インタラクションに移行 - 単にボイスモードをアクティブにし、個人アシスタントのようにPoe AIと対話する
効率性向上: 話す方が入力するよりも速くて簡単です。タイピングにお別れを!声でPoe AIに話しかけ、より速くなり、Poe AIプロになりましょう!
Works excellently! The best one for voice typing, AI conversation and read aloud I have tested so far. Great for learning new language...
This app should have a higher rating. I just installed it on 12/21/24 and it works flawlessly and has increased my productivity a lot. I like entering my prompts through voice but then reading the answers on the screen, as this results in the fastest information intake, and this app allows just that. I love that you just hold down the key 'x' while talking or just tap x once and speak at your leisure and then say “enter” when you're done and the prompt is submitted.
I'm not the fastest typer, so VoiceWave has been a lifesaver for me. It's so easy to use and has saved me so much time!
The new in-page read-aloud feature is fantastic! Perfect for listening to newspapers and blogs, and it’s an amazing tool for language learners. Please consider adding more features to support language learning. It would make this app even better...
Perfect solution! I’ve been looking for something exactly like this to help me with note-taking during my long brainstorming sessions. It’s a huge time-saver, and I’m impressed by how smooth the voice recognition is. The text-to-speech is also very clear, which makes reviewing ideas easier. Absolutely love this!
Damn, this is my favorite extension of all the voice extensions. Thank you!
Amazing! What a brilliant idea, just what I needed! Thank you!
Best one. This is way better than all the other talk to AI extensions. I love this. Thank you.
Best out of the 4 I tested.